Richard Osterlind
Today, we share a powerful moment with the living legend Richard Osterlind Realism in Mentalism, flow, creativity, the true power of the mind to manifest an experience and more!
Anthem & Aria
Enjoy the new enchanting "Live Mentalism Conversation" with Anthem & Aria, the Psychic Soulmates
Creativity, synergy, integration, the feminine in Mystery Performance and more!
A fun, deep and casual conversation with Looch, Mentalist and Creative force at Read my Mind
We talked about creativity, collaboration, our experiences in Mentalism and the secret of Looch´s eternal youth.
Elias Staunmacher
A beautiful conversation with Elias Staunmacher, Mystery Performer and most importantly, a powerful force of light to the world.
We talked about mystery, magic moments, meaning and much more!
Richard Webster
A fun-tastic conversation with the living legend Richard Webster. The state of the art, great stories and insights from a true master.
Tomek Grudzinski
A powerful conversation with Tomek Grudzinski full of real-life experiences, insights and clever ideas about performance, the art of Mentalism and Readings.
Dan Eckhart
Experiences onstage, avant-garde, his experience and more in this insightful conversation with the great Dan Eckhart
Paul Voodini
A great conversation with one of the most innovative Mystery Performers.
Intuition, his latest explorations and of course, Coronavirus
Fraser Parker
A casual conversation about his own style of Mentalism, some nice insights and even a propless routine for free!
Aaron Vlack
His views about Mentalism, Mystery Arts, how to structure an act and a demonstration of his LUDUM ACAAN
Mauricio Jaramillo
His background as performer, his influences, the importance of character and even a spontaneous psychokinetic moment
Matt Pulsar
His roots in Mentalism, great ideas and even some video-performances (same technique, different approaches)
Enrique Enriquez
Poet? Tarot Reader? Philosopher?...Most important, a kind person full of interesting ideas and stories
Steve Wachner
Personal insights, stories and even a performance from his new book!
Kenton Knepper
His beginnings, philosophy and ideas from the Wonder Wizard
Lance Sinclair
A fantastic Mentalist and sweet guy, which has a lot of thoughts, ideas (and a free eBook) to share!